6% interest? Legit.

Get high interest rates
guaranteed with Maya Savings.

Special Introductory Promo:
Maya Savings at 6% p.a.
Interest Rate

Maya Savings users can keep earning 6% interest p.a. until October 13, 2022. Stay tuned in October for details.

  1. Promo will run until September 30, 2022, and is extended until October 13, 2022
  2. This promo is open to Maya users who
    1. Downloaded and signed up for the Maya app
    2. Opened a Maya Savings Account until September 30, 2022
  3. Qualified promo availers who opened a Maya Savings Account within the promo period will enjoy a 6% interest rate on their End of Day Balance in their Maya Savings account, which will be reflected on
    1. Maya Account Details
    2. Maya Savings transaction history in-app at the end of the year
    3. Maya Savings Statement of Account at the end of the year
  4. The 6% introductory interest rate is only applicable to Maya Savings Account holders only during this promo period until September 30, 2022, and is extended until October 13, 2022
  5. Note that the 6% interest promo rate will only be applied to deposit balances of up to ₱5M. Deposits received in excess of this amount will not earn any interest. For an updated table of our interest rates, check our Maya Savings Terms and Conditions
  6. Interest earned is accrued daily and will be deposited to the customer’s Maya Savings account every first calendar day of the succeeding month, minus applicable withholding taxes. A sample computation of the interest earned by a depositor during the promo period is shown below.
    Average Daily Balance of the Savings Account₱10,000
    Interest rate until end of promo period 6% p.a.6.0% p.a.
    Number of days that the savings account is open during the promo period60 days
    Day Count ConventionACTUAL/365

    Average Daily Balance is computed as the sum of the End-of-Day balance of the account (i.e., as of 11:59pm) for each day that the account is open during the promo period, divided by the number of days that the account is open during the promo period.

  7. This interest rate promo or benefit is applicable to unique and valid Maya Savings accounts only. PayMaya and Maya users with duplicate accounts or who are blacklisted cannot participate in this promo. Maya reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the benefit if proven to be a duplicate account or participant is blacklisted.
  8. Maya reserves the right to refuse the imposition of promo interest to accounts that are proven to be invalid or fraudulent or a result of gaming (i.e. abuse of system or weakness in the promo to win prizes or receive benefits).
  9. The customer must notify Maya of any complaints regarding the promo. The decision of Maya on the complaint with the concurrence of DTI FTEB shall be considered final. For clarifications and complaints relative to this promo, please email [email protected]

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-148290 Series of 2022

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For existing Maya users,
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